Al momento stai visualizzando AUTUMN


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Today I tried to take some autumn`s photos so I decided to go to Shinjuku Gyoenmae park (新宿御苑前).

The day was wonderful and not so cold so I could walk and take some photos without problems.

As usual the equipment was Canon 7D and the EFS18-135. I used also a macro filter +4.

With photoshop I tried to give more temperature and a little bit more of red and orange atmoshpere to the photos.

Final result? Well to be honest not completely satisfied. I think I took some nice photos but need to improve more.

Enjoy the gallery.

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Keigo Moriyama Aerospace Engineer with the passion for photography start his career in 2006. Till now he made more than 7 exhibitions and work for Ryan&Rych ( the new italian fashion brand. Keigo's interested in working with performance artists, models,makeup artists, and stylists "The camera doesn't make a bit of difference. All of them can record what you are seeing. But, you have to SEE." Ernst Haas