New "walking in Tokyo" series. Around Tokyo, Ginza and Kitasenju with Leica M5 and Ilford 50. This time I develop the Ilford film at home for the first time. I…
New "walking in Tokyo" series. Around Tokyo, Ginza and Kitasenju with Leica M5 and Ilford 50. This time I develop the Ilford film at home for the first time. I…
For the first time I tried the Ilford 50 film together with my Leica M5. The nice thing is that I bought the bulk roll and started to make each…
Again a new Walking in Tokyo gallery. Even this time the same set Leica M5 and the Fujifilm Across 100. Even this time the reliability of the film was great…
Walking in Tokyo. In this post I want to share some photos I took with my Leica M5 and the Across 100 film. This monochrome film was the first time…
May 17 was a great day to spend with friends going around Shinjuku area taking photos. That day together with the Contax G1 (https://www.keigomoriyama.com/?p=1489) I had with me my Leica…