Al momento stai visualizzando RIO FILM


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Finally this time using film (Fuji Velvia 100) worked with Caffenol!

I just followed the previous process. But this time I considered ISO as 50 value and well it worked very well!!!

The only thing I`ve to try next time it to reduce the time inside the coffee mix from 9 to 8 mins.

Probably the film will be more lighter. I want also to try to insert salt.

The camera I used is my great Mamiya 645 super and the photos were taken last week with my friend Rio.

Enjoy the photos and Stay Click!


Keigo Moriyama Aerospace Engineer with the passion for photography start his career in 2006. Till now he made more than 7 exhibitions and work for Ryan&Rych ( the new italian fashion brand. Keigo's interested in working with performance artists, models,makeup artists, and stylists "The camera doesn't make a bit of difference. All of them can record what you are seeing. But, you have to SEE." Ernst Haas