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  • Categoria dell'articolo:shrine

December 30th. Last day of this short trip to the south of Japan. For the 3rd time I`m going around Kyoto city accompanied with my family and new friends. One…

Continua a leggereFUSHIMI INARI


  • Autore dell'articolo:
  • Categoria dell'articolo:othertravel

December 29th after 7 hours of night bus we arrived at Kyoto and moved to Nara for a one day trip. As usual the most interesting thing of Nara and…

Continua a leggereNARA


  • Autore dell'articolo:
  • Categoria dell'articolo:matsuri

28 december 2013 Odaiba Tokyo, the last day for the Rainbow Hanabi (Fireworks) festival 2013. The event that for one month every saturday at 7pm for 10min at Odaiba show…

Continua a leggereRAINBOW HANABI


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  • Categoria dell'articolo:other

Today, after long time I could take day off and with a good friend I went to Chichibu to take autumn photos.  As usual my standard set was the Canon…

Continua a leggereCHICHIBU


  • Autore dell'articolo:
  • Categoria dell'articolo:matsuri

Funasshi!!! Today`s best character at the Shiki character matsuri was Funasshi! This character recently is really really famous here in Japan and most of the people (adult and children) love…

Continua a leggereFUNASSHI


  • Autore dell'articolo:
  • Categoria dell'articolo:street

Saturday 12 hanging out around Yoyogi I stopped again with my Canon 7D and the 18-135 EFS at the entrance of the park. As usual the rocker where there to…

Continua a leggereROCK & ROLL 2


  • Autore dell'articolo:
  • Categoria dell'articolo:street

Ops I did it again....I think this is the best way to start this post. Yes because I decided to bring back the Canon G9 to buy the Fujifilm X10…

Continua a leggereFUJIFILM X10


  • Autore dell'articolo:
  • Categoria dell'articolo:street

Recently I wanted to take more street photos. Because everyday I travel by train from my house to my job place there are lots of opportunities to take some good…

Continua a leggereCANON G9